All Currency Converter

by despDev


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All currency converter could be a time period currency exchange rates converter. (The calculator is featured), currency converter for over one hundred eighty currencies with live exchange rates and offline mode. Setup your personal Currency Converter list and have all necessary currencies initially look.All round the world supply rates for pretty much all currencies (over 162) and conjointly comes with a special worth for minerals like gold, silver and.Convert each world currency with the All Currency Converter App – Free Edition. It offers live proprietary Currency Converter rates and charts, and even stores the last updated rates thus it works once the web does not. This easy-to-use Currency Converter calculator has received over 40 million downloads, creating it the foremost standard interchange app on the market.All Currency Converter for over one hundred eighty currencies with live exchange rates and offline mode. Setup your personal currency list and have all necessary currencies initially look.
● exchange rates List:
AED UAE DirhamBDT Bangla Desh takaBHD Bahraini dinarBWP Botswana pulaCNY Chinese yuanDZD Algerian monetary unitGTQ Guatemala quetzalHNL Honduras Honduran monetary unitHRK Croatian kunaILS Israeli INR Indian rupeeIQD Iraqi dinarISK Iceland kronaJMD dollarJOD Jordanian monetary unitKWD kuwaiti dinarLKR Sri Lanka rupeeLTL Lithuanian litaLYD Libyan dinarMGA Malagasy ariaryRSD Serbian dinarTND Tunisian monetary unitVUV vanuatu Vatu